Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Writing Prompt: The Sounds of Headlines

The YouTube video shared below (scroll to bottom of this post) blends music and lyrics from two talented, powerful contemporary female artists. The song you are about to listen to features the tune of "Gasoline" by Halsey and the words of "Savages" by Marina and the Diamonds. When listening to one of the artists, this video came up as a suggestion. It seems that YouTube users can create what are referred to as musical "mashups" of various artists, blending their work to mix sounds and phrases. This mashup, compiled by user Gingergreen, is one of the most dynamic we've come across in how it stresses the message of "Savages" with the melodic force of "Gasoline." The song "Savages" depicts the dark aspect of man and refers to much of what is seen in the headlines. It asks provocative questions of human nature and attempts to comprehend the incomprehensible.

For this writing prompt, click on the video below and develop written responses in the forms of poetry and flash fiction (under 1,000 words). Do not post your responses in the comment section of this blog post. If you'd like to share them with us, please use the Feedback form on our magazine website feedback page (as we may choose to feature a few of the responses, please also glance at our submission guidelines page).


We are also featuring links to the song lyrics as well as the original, separate songs of both artists for further perusal.

Mashup link (if shared video doesn't play): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-uCMCzVkTI

Original songs and lyrics to "Savages":

"Gasoline" by Halsey (audio): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRHNi3QfFlE
"Savages" by Marina and the Diamonds (audio): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaTAFXgykU
Google search on "Savages" lyrics by Marina Lambrini Diamandis: https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=x9OVWu1-h8SwBebPsIAN&q=savages+by+marina+and+the+diamonds+lyrics&oq=savages+by+marina+and+the+diamonds+lyrics&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l5.584.12101.0.12296.

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